Monday, 25 June 2012


I don't really care if it doesn't make sense, or if it is simple in terms of language, or stupid in concept, or if you think it's cliched or silly or whatever. Zie is as much a part of me as I am of hir. Trying to get inside hir head, a background of neutrality and calm. It's funny, because you wouldn't pick hir to be the calm type, but despite hir fanaticism, hir nihilism is born truly of neutrality, a world without make-believe boundaries. Destruction as a form of deconstruction. If zie could take the world apart with a scalpel and tweezers, to see how everything fitted together, zie would. Curiosity like a child.

from the blood
from the blood
from his blood
from him.

Vision is pure.

It beats in my heart
It beats against my skin
Learning the ways,
Stitching the gaps.

Sneer and scorn
Me and mine:
The blood is all.
The blood is all.

Ashes you were
Ashes you are, will be.
The blood is all.
The blood will live.

Your flesh will change,
Your bones can break,
Your eyes are weeping:
The blood remains.

Be still. Be quiet.
Can you feel the threads snapping quiet, the needle bent against your will?
This is mine, my birthright
Through the blood.

Sleep still.
Time for waking soon enough:
Sleep within my breast
And I will whisper secrets to the ashes that will be.

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