Thursday, 20 September 2012

Equinox lullaby

September's almost done, my dear
and now that Spring is truly here
you'll sleep away the daylight hours
 and leave me to my realm of flowers.

The turning Earth has had her say,
but don't fret, darling, I'll not stray.
I'll nestle by your resting frame
until the night has come again.

Great lion Sun, my roaring friend,
warms mortal skin, and will defend
this beating heart, so rest your eyes -
attend your Moon, her set and rise,

she'll sit with you and smile to see
how patiently you wait for me
to stir and wake, while evening air
coaxes shy Jasmine to appear.

Full twelve and twelve, the hours are set.
Tonight we're even, love, and yet
tomorrow looms: be still, my heart,
as days grow long, and nights grow short

so sleep and dream, don't wake in fright,
I'll guard you as the day burns bright. 

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