Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Love, I promised you everything -
future and the means to read it,
sleep and nerves,
a home in my constricted intestines,

I left my doors wide open,
I wanted you to track a path right through,
shedding boots by the bed, steps worn heavy,
glasses knocked from the bench in laughter,
never felt quite so light
as in your arms,
the rooms danced with scotch,

try not to flinch, level my gaze,
I can sit here all night if need be,
I can lose myself if you ask me,
see how brightly I can burn.
Count these, the leaves that fall from open palms

all I ask is a shoulder to rest my head
I want to trace your knuckles
I want to kiss the tendons at your wrist

please close the door when you leave,
this wind blows right through me,
I've never prayed so hard in my life.

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