Friday, 27 July 2012

Nurse Tzimisce

Oh, be quiet, will you? this noise is so draining
You'd think they'd just shut up after a while!
What did you expect? I'm only in training

And in your place, dear, I'd not be complaining.
 Don't give me that look! What cost is a smile?
Please try to be quiet, this noise is so draining.

I'm doing my best, I promise, I'm craning
My neck to get in there! My word, now - that's vile
I didn't expect that, I'm only in training -

The blood keeps on coming,  it might well be raining
Two kidneys, a liver, my throat tastes of bile -
The quiet is better, I find the noise draining.

 He's dead? Oh. Poor love - but let's not be blaming
The messenger, dearest - after all, proof by trial!
The quiet is lovely, the noise was so draining,
I expect that quite soon I shall finish my training.

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