Monday, 2 July 2012


A while ago (I forget how long, now, maybe a year, maybe more) I had a dream that distressed and fascinated me greatly. I took a pair of scissors to the flesh of my stomach and sliced away two long angled strips of my fat/flesh: one straight down the right side of my abdomen, breast to hip, another horizontally across the base of my stomach. I could feel the pain of the first one even as I did the second, and it left two gaping cuts, red - but not bleeding - edged with the yellow of fat. It hurt, even in my head. I bent double in surprise and shame at my actions and held the skin together frantically with my hands, but I felt a little satisfied. Where I bent, the wounds gaped and buckled.

I felt a bit like that yesterday: the dream was in my head for a lot of the day.

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