Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Song for Asche

Asche, darling,
While it is true
          that I have every intention of losing myself utterly in you,
In the black-veined halo of your  reason,
Have patience, my love.

I'm learning. I'm working on it.

You chill me, darling,
You freeze me to my core,
Because I know your mind
- hidden behind cloud-grey eyes -
           as surely as you know mine.

I have floated in the calm skies that lie there.
Behind the shock of madness.
Beyond your dream of death.

And when you stand
Triumphant as a god, your father's dignity, your ancestor's power,
In the mist of the dawn,

         (vision blurred to white)
         (the clouds are as ashes)
         (they fear you, my dearest)

I will be the one to rise from the bloody noon.

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