Sunday, 5 August 2012

Azhi Dahaka

sit and stare
as vertebrae line my forearms
sending spiraling messages
to cells I never knew existed

tender skin shifts and settles
shifts and settles
and he's speaking to me
through the world:
these pale lines are wormholes to his love
to his message

knuckles darken
the bruises rearrange
and my tendons are exposed:
you, inside me,
you of age and mystery,
the ashes of your mind alive within my flesh
-the decay and regrowth-

the clouds are dancing for me
and the whole word is under my skin

- a king sits in your veins
skeleton apparent beneath his proud face
crown elaborate, heavy as his duty
- ravens wheel on your wrists, dragons devouring their tails
- your pores open and close, your neck twists, majestic
-  the plantcell tracery overlying knights battling
- your dance flows fingers whirling

it's all glory and understanding
and you fit neatly into my web
I'm not letting go, now or ever.

Shift and settle.

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