Friday, 31 August 2012

waiting for a bus

I passed someone who looked like you today:
his hair was bubblegum pink.
He was looking up in that way you have, bespectacled -
or maybe the way he had, or maybe not.
It was only a flash of a hint of a look. From afar.
Nothing to go by at all.
It still broke my heart.
I've no idea why. I never lost you.

afterword: I don't spend enough time with you to differentiate your gestures from his, or maybe I simply overestimate how closely you two are linked in your physicality as well as your thoughts. I mean, zie doesn't hold too much sway over how I move, simply because I don't have enough knowledge/control of hir for it to be an issue, thankfully. I wonder how close the two of you are in your head, sometimes, when you speak to me (or speak past me) and dab at my forehead with your thumb. I wonder if you're alright. It's all just pretend, anyway, isn't it? 

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