Monday, 20 August 2012


felt the shock of cells twisted
realigned growing new patterns of waste
naming ancient fires to light within your breast

it's not wrong to have knowledge
it's not wrong to feel your conviction twining
worming its way through chest cavity
speaking in your sleep, words unformed by mouths
not wrong to see his face under eyelids mirrored 
not wrong to mimic heartbeat bone-encased 
an echo yet of life within veins 

step across the threshold freely
you are welcome here
you can commit no error
you cannot falter cannot fall cannot fail.
it stirs within you and you can do no wrong

can sleep none 
no dreams come

still you only ever see his face
still you sank above drowning
still what mattered it how the ashes blow in the wind

you know every name there was. 
you can read the lines between flesh and flesh
and feel the distinctions 
you can speak with a thousand voices 
and a thousand voices more
and a thousand eyes to see a thousand tongues lick clean your thousand wounds
a thousand hands to shape a thousand feet to march
a thousand bleeding vessels cry out to carry you onwards
onwards ever onwards
to it, to him, to the only conceivable


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